
Customized solutions
Investment strategies and tailored-made portfolios based on a wide range of financial instruments, adamant customer profiling, sound and robust risk analysis

Portfolio Management
Absolute return strategies, management style agreed with the customer. Strictly aligned investment goals and proposed portfolio, chosen within a subset of Line You and Linea Open.

Reporting and controls
Constant daily portfolio monitoring, periodic meetings with the Anthilia Advisory Team. Portfolios are also available on-line. Reports are updated daily and friendly-to-read
Management Lines
Linea You
The Linea You is the result of the Anthilia team’s management experience. Portfolios are built through minimize management cost and give value to the client. Assets used are A. Anthilia Sgr Proprietary funds and ETFs. These latter are used for asset classes not directly hedged. Portfolios falling into Linea You reflect the house’s view in the medium to long term time line. Risks are managed tactically according to market phases
Linea Open
The Linea Open leverages on the advisory team selection talents. Portfolios are built through a proprietary, quantitative and qualitative analysis process that identify the best performing flexible funds on the market Vis-a-vis the client needs. The portfolio strategy is based on a combination of active strategies, that aim to offer efficient allocation of assets taking in mind the two variables: assets of cost and foreseeable risk reward
Risk Profiles
The You and Open lines are divided into 4 risk classes identified by a target volatility level (ex-ante). Portfolios may have a certain degree of customization respecting the pre-assigned maximum level of their own risk class
Class 3
Max 3% volatility
Capital preservation, protection against inflation
Class 7
Max 7% volatility
Reasonable capital
Class 10
Max 10% volatility
Significant capital
Class 20
Max 20% volatility
High capital
Model Portfolio
Linea You
Anthilia Ucits Funds + tactical allocation
You 20
You 20 - High Risk
It is the highest risk management line and meets the requirements of high risk appetite, constantly updated on the performance of financial markets and seeking high capital growth over a long-term investment horizon. The portfolio is managed on the basis of a flexible management style that privileges UCITS investments exclusively managed by Anthilia Capital Partners SGR, with the exception of ETFs and real estate funds, normally used for exposure to particular markets / sectors (eg commodities and markets emerging). The line prefers risky investments such as equity return instruments with total return and / or absolute returns with medium to high volatility.
You 10
You 10 -Medium to High Risk
A management line suited to customers with a medium to high risk profile, which points to significant capital growth over a medium to long term horizon. The portfolio is managed on the basis of a flexible management style that privileges UCITS investments exclusively managed by Anthilia Capital Partners SGR, with the exception of ETFs and real estate funds, normally used for exposure to particular markets / sectors (eg commodities and markets emerging). This line privileges total return equities, without giving up bond and / or low risk investments.
You 7
You 7 - Medium Risk
These management lines address a clientele with an average risk profile that points to a moderate capital revaluation. The portfolio is managed on the basis of a flexible management style that privileges UCITS investments exclusively managed by Anthilia Capital Partners SGR, with the exception of ETFs and real estate funds, normally used for exposure to particular markets / sectors (eg commodities and markets emerging). The line combines absolute return investments with flexible equity instruments and bonds.
You 3
You 3 - Low Risk
It represents the lowest risk management line for capital preservation. The portfolio is managed on the basis of a flexible management style that privileges UCITS investments exclusively managed by Anthilia Capital Partners SGR, with the exception of ETFs and real estate funds, normally used for exposure to particular markets / sectors (eg commodities and markets emerging). For this line, investments in absolute return instruments are privileged with a very low level of risk
Linea Open
Third parties selection + optimization
Open 20
Open 20 - High Risk
It is the highest risk management line and meets the requirements of high risk appetite, constantly updated on the performance of financial markets and seeking high capital growth over a long-term investment horizon. The portfolio is structured into a strategic component, composed by selecting the most active equity funds managed even with total return logic, and a tactical component formed not only by passive instruments such as ETFs and ETCs, but also from individual equity securities.
Open 10
Open 10 - Medium to High Risk
Customers with a medium to high risk profile, aiming for significant capital growth over a medium to long term horizon, find this investment line in this line of business. Like Open 7, the Open 10 is built by balancing a strategic portfolio component, consisting mainly of flexible, high yield bonds both bonds and equities, with a tactical component that dynamically expands the portfolio to the various financial markets by favoring the investment in passive financial instruments (ETF, ETC).
Open 7
Open 7 - Medium Risk
This management line addresses a clientele with an average risk profile aiming at a moderate capital revaluation by balancing a strategic portfolio component, consisting of the best absolute return non-directional funds and flexible total return both bonds and equities, with a tactic to dynamically expose the portfolio to the various financial markets by privileging investment in passive financial instruments (ETFs, ETCs).
Open 3
Open 3 - Low Risk
It represents the lowest-risk management line for capital conservation mainly through investing in the best absolute return funds managed with non-directional strategies that can also represent the entire portfolio of the customer. It is also planned to invest in total return quality funds with mainly bonds managed with a flexible approach or invested in bond markets with volatility.